
13 06, 2022

Chocolate Chip, Pecan & Coconut Macaroons—Take Two

2023-01-15T22:07:23+00:00Cooking Blog, Featured, Recipes|

I have always loved coconut macaroons.  I get my love of coconut from my grandmother.  Shockingly, she wasn't crazy about chocolate, but she was crazy about sugar and sweets.  Over the years, I have tried several recipes for coconut macaroons, and given my love for chocolate, I have tried drizzling them with chocolate.  But ...[ get the full recipe ]

27 04, 2014

Making and Devouring Chocolate Coconut Macaroon Kisses

2023-03-02T18:02:56+00:00Cooking Blog|

When a cooking experiment starts out with unwrapping 40-50 pieces of chocolate candy, how can you go wrong! But you ask, "where did the idea for this experiment come from?"  You won't believe it, but it started out with me trying to count calories ...  You see, we had five house guests coming for ...[ get the full recipe ]

27 04, 2014

Chocolate Kiss Coconut Macaroons (Recipe)


Adapted from a Hershey's Kitchen recipe Servings:  40-48 cookies Ingredients 1/3 cup butter (room temperature) 8 oz. cream cheese (room temperature)  (note:  Hershey's only used 3 oz., but more cream cheese adds a tangy twist and makes for an incredibly tender cookie/candy texture) 3/4 cup sugar 1 egg yolk 2 tsp. vanilla extract (note: the original recipe ...[ get the full recipe ]

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